Live in Alignment. Work Less. Earn More. You can have it all by creating true wealth in life and business when you align with your specific human design & personal definition of success. What is TRUE WEALTH though? Wealth is not just having money and success. It is so much more than that. Success without happiness & fulfillment is not success at all. If you are a high achieving career woman that is desperate for work-life balance because you are juggling a lot of other things like motherhood, marriage, home management, growing a business or brand, and while you have chased after accomplishments and achievements you may be feeling like, is this really it? How come on paper your life looks like the epitome of success but you feel like you’re not doing enough or you feel like you are drowning in the life you worked so hard for? Here on the Wealthy Woman podcast you are going to get new episodes that help you define and take action towards the life you desire, not just hitting the accomplishments but by feeling fulfilled. These episodes are going to challenge your autopilot ways of thinking and redefine how you measure success. You are going to learn how to work less, earn more, and manifest your dream life. To have true wealth we must have the kind of money & success we desire AND the beautiful life to go alongside it. Here you will learn about human design, manifestation, success habits, money mastery, abundance mindset, master your mindset, and create the wealth you desire. Lauren Francois is a thought leader on business growth and true wealth creation. She specializes in Human Design Coaching, 6 Figure Mindset, + Success Mentorships to women desiring to create massive success and impact in a way that feels aligned, without the hustle, overwhelm and burnout. She believes as driven women we can and are supposed to be able to have it all when we live aligned in who we are meant to be. While most people are striving for success thinking that when we hit a milestone we will have happiness Lauren knows (and teaches) how to hit your goals while enjoying the process of getting there by taking away the limits your mind has set on you so that you can rise into and become the wealthy woman that you have always wanted to be. Her human design coaching is unique and specific to each person, because we are all uniquely designed so our path to success should be too! Business Inquiries laurenffrancois@gmail.com Instagram lauren_francois

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
115 \\ Unlocking the Power of Your Heart | A Guided Meditation
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Welcome to this guided meditation episode where Lauren will lead you to activating the heart through a powerful breathing method.
If you love these guided meditations share on your social and tag @lauren_francois
We will use the power of our breath to draw this light deeper into our hearts, allowing it to expand and grow. With each inhale, we will draw in more of this radiant light, and with each exhale, we will release any blocks or negative emotions that may be preventing us from fully accessing our heart center.
As we continue breathing in this way, we will begin to feel a deep sense of peace and connection within ourselves. We may even feel a physical sensation of warmth or expansion in our chest, as our heart center becomes more and more activated.
Throughout this meditation, we will be guided through various breathing techniques and visualizations to help us access and activate the power of our hearts. By the end of the meditation, we will have a greater understanding of the love and compassion that exists within us, and we will be better equipped to bring this love and compassion into our daily lives.
So find a quiet space, sit or lie down, and let's begin this powerful heart activation breathing method.
The Wealthy Woman Telegram Page to chat about what you learned and join The Wealthy Woman community!

Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
In this episode, we dive into the world of manifestation and share a step-by-step process for bringing your desires to life. Lauren will share her personal experiences with manifestation, including this process that helped her achieve goals and overcome obstacles. We also discuss common misconceptions about manifestation and offer insights on how to avoid the pitfalls of wishful thinking. Whether you're new to the world of manifestation or a seasoned practitioner, this episode offers a comprehensive guide to manifesting your desires and living your best life. Pop in your headphones and listen to discover the steps you can take today to start manifesting your dreams into reality.
In this episode, we focus on the important step of releasing control and trusting the universe when it comes to manifestation. We discuss the common tendency to micromanage the process and how it can actually impede our progress by creating resistance and limiting beliefs.
Instead, we offer strategies for surrendering and letting go of attachment to specific outcomes, and trusting that the universe will deliver what we need in the perfect way and timing. We also explore the role of patience and persistence in manifestation, and offer guidance on how to maintain a positive and grateful mindset during the waiting period. Whether you're struggling to release control or simply looking for ways to deepen your trust in the universe, this episode offers practical insights and inspiration for aligning with the flow of abundance and manifestation.
Tune in to discover how to release and trust the how of manifestation, and start manifesting your dreams with ease and grace.
The 8 Steps (4:05)
Releasing the How (12:33)
Bonus 9th Step (14:40)
Feel how it would feel to have it. (19:55)
Take the inspired action. (24:02)
Repeat the steps and why stick to the steps. Faith and trust in the process. (27:53)
Open yourself up to receive - Step 9 (31:00)
Negative Yearning (36:06)
Unlock the Magic Within Homework & Journal Prompt

Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
This is an episode to pop in your headphones and enjoy! This episode is a lifestyle and real life chat with Lauren - you won’t believe the story that happens with her daughter. The moms just know… you can’t make this stuff up with kids!
Does a tongue stick to a metal pole? (4:15)
Kids in Sports (8:31)
Chocolate labs (13:00)
Missing school / Truancy (18:52)
Big Sky Montana Trip (24:00)
Inventing Anna on Netflix (25:46)
Traveling with a Baby and/or Toddler

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
This is an extra special episode because it is an interview with Lauren’s mentor Aislinn Walton.
Aislinn is a business coach for 6+7 figure earners that desire to scale their business with aligned feminine energy and pleasure based business principles. A lot of her clients hire her to help them match masculine and feminine strategy to see growth and enjoyment in their business.
Lauren and Aislinn worked together on a lot of different things like controlling tendencies, mom guilt, up-leveling experiences, and more you will hear in this episode.
Aislinn’s Story (3:45)
What is feminine and pleasure based business? (12:35)
Where pleasure and work come together. (17:45)
What is shadow work? (21:15)
How to romanticize your day to day? (43:10)
Specifics of beauty in the day to day. (49:22)
Lauren’s little luxuries. (53:28)
Aislinn on Instagram @abundancewitch
Lauren on Instagram @lauren_francois

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Changing your mindset can happen so much faster than you think!
Did you know it only takes 3 weeks to change the neural pathways of your brain to reprogram your mind?
In order for you to change your reality you have to change your mind and this episode is going to share with you the step by step process on how to change your mind and what has kept you stuck in old patterns of thinking.
How to adopt new beliefs and change your mind. (6:30)
Tools to access subconscious. (7:40)
Conscious ways to change thought and beliefs. (11:03)
Process to change your mind. (17:36)
Creating space for new beliefs. (30:44)
Unlock the Magic Within 2.0 Journal Prompts and Homework
The Wealthy Woman Telegram Channel
Referenced Resources
Module 6 - How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
Episode Catalog of Categorized Topics

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
If you are wondering what our women's business retreat is like this is going to give you a really good grasp on what a retreat like this entails.
This retreat is truly an up-leveling experience that will help you define and become the woman you desire to be.
There is going to be another one and you find out the details for it in this episode!
Day 1 - Identity, Vision, & Clarity (14:30)
Day 2 - Deep Integrative Energy & NLP Work (19:00)
If you are ready to up-level your identity and step into your next level version then you must come to our next retreat!
Full Immersion Identity Retreat
Date - September 28th - October 1st
Location: Charleston, South Carolina
You are invited to join us!
Email me for more details!
Experience a Water Grounding Meditation

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
109 \\ Mindfulness Guided Meditation | Grounded by Water | 5 Minute Meditation
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Find peace, mindfulness, and grounding near the water with this 5 minute guided meditation.
Use the sound of the water to calm you and bring you into the moment.
If you enjoy these quick guided meditations come let Lauren know on Telegram or Instagram.

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
How your thoughts actually create your reality! This is one of Lauren’s favorite topics, because understanding this is something that changed her life and has changed the lives of her private clients. Becoming aware of your thoughts and taking control of your mindset is the MAGIC that will unlock transformation in your life.
Maybe you have heard affirmations like “what you focus on expands” and “where your thoughts flow energy goes,” but they have just felt too “woo woo” for you. Let Lauren explain the science that backs these common mantras. Understanding the science of the brain and body is what helped it sink in for Lauren, so let's jump in!
“Your thoughts create your reality” explanation. (4:30)
Placebo Effect (6:26)
Monk Meditation Studies (10:20)
Water Experiments (12:30)
Our focused attention is what collapses a particle. (20:11)
RAS (23:00)
Homework for the week. (39:19)
Monks with Supernatural Abilities
Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Experiments
The Observer Effect in Quantum Physics
A deeper dive into Quantum Mechanics
Unlock the Magic Within Sign Up for Journal Prompts & Resources

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
This episode gives you tactical strategies for you and while Lauren does not believe in a “right” strategy and these are not the “only” strategies, these 3 could be beneficial if they feel right for you!
If you love episodes like this let Lauren know by leaving a review that episode 107 was one of your favorites!
The 3 Strategies Lauren shares that she used to create a solid financial foundation.
- Leveraging Debt (7:34)
- Focused on Investing First (11:53)
- Never Try to Keep Up with the Joneses(15:11)
More on Investing (17:55) - Meant to be played the long game. Invest it and then forget it.
“I would not want to invest more than you are willing to lose.”
Episode Recap (20:08)
Sign Up for Unlock the Magic Within 2.0
Come to Lauren’s Telegram Page
Dime Beauty - lauren_francois20 at checkout
Favorite Things - Hyper Glow Serum, Hyaluronic Acid Serum, Dewy Day Cream
If you would like to listen to more episodes from Lauren on money, check out the following:
62 \\ The 3 MAJOR THINGS Holding You Back From Achieving Your Goals - Part 3: MONEY MINDSET
86 \\ Money Doesn't Create Happiness - Day 1 of Unlocking Wealth & the Flow of Money
87 \\ Crazy Things We Do With Money - Day 2 of Unlocking Wealth & the Flow of Money
88 \\ Investing in YOU Always Creates a Positive ROI - Day 3 of Unlocking Wealth & the Flow of Money
89 \\ Investing, Fear, Q&A + Hot Seat Coaching - Day 4 of Unlocking Wealth & the Flow of Money
95 \\ I Knew It Was Time to Invest - From Burnout to 6 Figures with Erica Gregory
The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
We can really create massive change when we align our identity with our desired goals. Our identity is who we believe we are. And if anyone has told you “people don’t change…” they are wrong. You can absolutely change how you see yourself and how you show up.
Our subconscious mind has programmed us to think of ourselves in a certain way in this episode Lauren gives examples of how others, childhood, and/or experiences shaped your identity without you even knowing.
Some of these were told about us or we clung to them from past experiences. When we have these “I am…” statements unconsciously driving us, our brain responds and reacts making it become true in your daily life. If you have ever tried to change your health and fitness habits without truly identifying yourself as a healthy person - you’ve probably experienced this identity push back from your mind which then your body does not change because the body follows what the mind believes to be true. Just like the “you are shy” example Lauren gave in the episode.
Now you are going to take these questions and reflections and start defining who you are and how you desire to be.
Have fun with the journal prompt questions and get specific! Then start showing up each day as that next level you.
Diving into identity. (7:46)
How past experiences shape identity. (16:40)
Questions related to identity and who do you want to be? (21:53)
Dime Beauty - lauren_francois20 at checkout
Favorite Things - Hyper Glow Serum, Hyaluronic Acid Serum, Dewy Day Cream