Live in Alignment. Work Less. Earn More. You can have it all by creating true wealth in life and business when you align with your specific human design & personal definition of success. What is TRUE WEALTH though? Wealth is not just having money and success. It is so much more than that. Success without happiness & fulfillment is not success at all. If you are a high achieving career woman that is desperate for work-life balance because you are juggling a lot of other things like motherhood, marriage, home management, growing a business or brand, and while you have chased after accomplishments and achievements you may be feeling like, is this really it? How come on paper your life looks like the epitome of success but you feel like you’re not doing enough or you feel like you are drowning in the life you worked so hard for? Here on the Wealthy Woman podcast you are going to get new episodes that help you define and take action towards the life you desire, not just hitting the accomplishments but by feeling fulfilled. These episodes are going to challenge your autopilot ways of thinking and redefine how you measure success. You are going to learn how to work less, earn more, and manifest your dream life. To have true wealth we must have the kind of money & success we desire AND the beautiful life to go alongside it. Here you will learn about human design, manifestation, success habits, money mastery, abundance mindset, master your mindset, and create the wealth you desire. Lauren Francois is a thought leader on business growth and true wealth creation. She specializes in Human Design Coaching, 6 Figure Mindset, + Success Mentorships to women desiring to create massive success and impact in a way that feels aligned, without the hustle, overwhelm and burnout. She believes as driven women we can and are supposed to be able to have it all when we live aligned in who we are meant to be. While most people are striving for success thinking that when we hit a milestone we will have happiness Lauren knows (and teaches) how to hit your goals while enjoying the process of getting there by taking away the limits your mind has set on you so that you can rise into and become the wealthy woman that you have always wanted to be. Her human design coaching is unique and specific to each person, because we are all uniquely designed so our path to success should be too! Business Inquiries laurenffrancois@gmail.com Instagram lauren_francois

Monday Mar 23, 2020
06 \\ 5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Getting your toddlers to eat healthy (aka eat vegetables) can be stressful! Let's face it, getting them to just eat in general some days is a struggle, but there are things you can do, some from the very beginning when your baby starts eating solids, that will make good nutrition the norm in their lives! Food & high quality nutrients are the fuel for their little bodies & brains! In today's episode, I share with you 5 things that I have done to get my little ones to love healthy foods and to make healthy eating & good nutrition a habit from day 1!
XOXO, Lauren
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Show Notes:
Breakfast: Eggs, all fruits (all types of berries, bananas, oranges, pineapple, apples, various melons), paleo pancakes (2 eggs, 1 banana, vanilla), overnight oats (unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 2% plain greek yogurt, old fashioned rolled oats) yogurt (plain, greek), multi-grain cheerios
Snacks: Daily Sunshine 3-in-1 Smoothies specifically formulated for kids, BEACHBars, Fig Bars, Organic Unsweetened Applesauce pouches, multi-grain cheerios, carrots or mini cucumbers & hummus, fruit, animal crackers, From The Ground Up Cauliflower Snacks (chips, crackers, stars)
Lunch (we either have leftovers or I try to do protein, fruit, veggie, and dairy): CauliPower Cauliflower breaded Chicken Tenders. String Cheese, Dr. Praeger's Spinach Littles & Broccoli Littles
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
05 \\ How to Stay Motivated on Your Health & Fitness Journey
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
One of the most common questions I get asked is how I stay motivated to workout and eat healthy as a mom of littles! "I just wish I had your motivation," is a phrase I hear all the time. Mom life is exhausting, and I get it, thinking about adding a few more things (i.e. a workout, meal planning, meal prepping) to your already crazy days, seems overwhelming! But here's the thing, exercise and good nutrition actually GIVE you more energy to do all of the other things you need to do! They make you better, and HINT, it's really not about motivation at all! In today's episode, I'm sharing my 5 TOP ways to stay "motivated" on your health & fitness journey!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois

Sunday Mar 15, 2020
04 \\ Releasing Expectations
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Expectations are the thief of joy! As a momma, have you ever had these ideas or visions of exactly how something with your child is going to go? I'm talking a holiday, trip, birthday, special event, etc? You're looking forward to it so much because you expect it to go a certain way, and then when it doesn't, you find yourself just devastated, feeling like a failure, and wondering what the heck happened? You ask yourself, "Is this happening to any other mommas out there or is it just my baby/child?" In today's episode I dive into how these expectations set us up for disappointment and why releasing them will bring more joy and less stress to your motherhood journey.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois

Friday Mar 06, 2020
03 \\ Ask for Help
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
If I can help you master ONE skill that is going to make your life significantly easier as a mother, it would be this one! Ever heard the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child"? Well, it really does! Society today has us believing that great mothers can do it all on their own, but trying to do it all on your own is not only going to lead to major burnout, stress, and struggle, it's going to put you on the fast track to losing your mind! Have you ever looked at another momma and thought, man look at her, how does she do it all? I guarantee you, she probably doesn't! From addressing the mindset behind asking, to talking about areas outside of motherhood that you can seek help in to simplify your life, in today's episode, I share my Top 4 Tips when it comes to asking for help!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois

Friday Mar 06, 2020
02 \\ Mom Life Solutions, Self Care, & Productivity
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
What can you expect to get here? In Episode 2 of The Mom Hacks Podcast, I'll be sharing the mission of this podcast, the three different categories I'll focus on talking about, and why I'm so passionate about them when it comes to thriving and energizing your new motherhood journey. I will never pretend to know it all when it comes to motherhood or that my way is the only way of doing things, but I have learned A LOT along the way that can make your journey easier! I'm here to be your best momma friend, give you all of the real, raw details no one tells you about, and help you enjoy this phase of life to it's fullest!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
01 \\ My Story & Why I Started This Podcast
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
In the first episode of The Mom Hacks Podcast, I'll share my story with you, who I am, and how & why this podcast was born! Motherhood is an epic journey that no one prepares you for! It’s truly amazing but it challenges you in ways you’ve never been challenged, and it’s HARD! As a new mom I remember feeling so overwhelmed and confused with all of the information out there about motherhood! I found myself constantly saying one of these two phrases, why doesn't anyone talk about this and why didn't anyone tell me about this?! Can you relate? Did we just become best friends? If so, I'm here to help simplify it all for you! Enjoy.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois