Live in Alignment. Work Less. Earn More. You can have it all by creating true wealth in life and business when you align with your specific human design & personal definition of success. What is TRUE WEALTH though? Wealth is not just having money and success. It is so much more than that. Success without happiness & fulfillment is not success at all. If you are a high achieving career woman that is desperate for work-life balance because you are juggling a lot of other things like motherhood, marriage, home management, growing a business or brand, and while you have chased after accomplishments and achievements you may be feeling like, is this really it? How come on paper your life looks like the epitome of success but you feel like you’re not doing enough or you feel like you are drowning in the life you worked so hard for? Here on the Wealthy Woman podcast you are going to get new episodes that help you define and take action towards the life you desire, not just hitting the accomplishments but by feeling fulfilled. These episodes are going to challenge your autopilot ways of thinking and redefine how you measure success. You are going to learn how to work less, earn more, and manifest your dream life. To have true wealth we must have the kind of money & success we desire AND the beautiful life to go alongside it. Here you will learn about human design, manifestation, success habits, money mastery, abundance mindset, master your mindset, and create the wealth you desire. Lauren Francois is a thought leader on business growth and true wealth creation. She specializes in Human Design Coaching, 6 Figure Mindset, + Success Mentorships to women desiring to create massive success and impact in a way that feels aligned, without the hustle, overwhelm and burnout. She believes as driven women we can and are supposed to be able to have it all when we live aligned in who we are meant to be. While most people are striving for success thinking that when we hit a milestone we will have happiness Lauren knows (and teaches) how to hit your goals while enjoying the process of getting there by taking away the limits your mind has set on you so that you can rise into and become the wealthy woman that you have always wanted to be. Her human design coaching is unique and specific to each person, because we are all uniquely designed so our path to success should be too! Business Inquiries laurenffrancois@gmail.com Instagram lauren_francois

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
How to Get Back on Track with Your Fitness + Nutrition After a Holiday, Vacation, or Social Event. Ever go into these situations with good intentions to stay on track with your health & fitness and then that intention for one reason or another just goes right out the window? Yes! It happens to all of us! In this episode, I'm sharing the 6 step process you can use no matter how "badly" you feel you've fallen off track, to not just get yourself back into your healthy routine but also create a plan so the same thing doesn't happen next time!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
35 \\ Daily Gratitude Practice + Why/How It Substantially Increases Your Happiness
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles! Have you seen other women talk about doing a daily gratitude practice and wondered "What's up with that? Does it really make you happier?" The answer is YES, because what we focus on, is what expands in our lives. Join me as I walk you through exactly HOW I do my daily gratitude practice, hint hint, it's deeper than just writing down a few generic things you're grateful for, and why/how this creates a ripple effect to bring more happiness into your life.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
EP 18 - Feeling STUCK Momma? Change THIS & Watch Your Life Transform
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
How I did a 180 with my nutrition + my daily meal plan. I struggled with and was confused by nutrition for 10 years. I tried every "diet" & way of eating you can imagine, until I found one program that changed everything. Join me as I walk you through what I eat in a day, these days, and how I used two specific programs to shape my daily meal plan and completely change my mindset and relationship with food.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
33 \\ Is It Time for Childcare? Why Daycare Is One of the Best Decisions I Made
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Contemplating whether you need childcare or not? Feeling guilt around sending your little one to daycare? A lot of mom guilt came up when I was first contemplating this decision because of what I thought I SHOULD do. Tune in as I walk you through how I worked through it and why daycare has been such a blessing in our family's life.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Wondering if supplements could help you or not? Supplements are easily misunderstood today, and often given a bad rap. So often I hear women say, I want to get all my nutrients from eating my food, but the reality is we are a nutrient deficient society (hello processed food) and our unprocessed food doesn't have the same amount of nutrients in it that it once did. Supplements are there to bridge that gap! In this episode, I'm sharing the 3 supplements I use on a daily basis, why I sear by them, and how they can simplify and improve your nutrition and energy to support your busy mom life!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
EP 30: 10 EASY Ways to Immediately Improve Your Nutrition & Lose Weight
Shakeology + Annual Beachbody On Demand Membership
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
You know that feeling of anxiety and just complete overwhelm you get when you have a million things to do, but then when you actually get time to do them, you sit there paralyzed with no idea where to even start? It's the start that stops you! In this episode, I'm sharing the 5 minute process I use when I find myself in these situations to reduce the overwhelm, gain clarity, prioritize my to do list and get myself moving! I hope this activity helps you during these times, as much as it has me!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Monday Jun 15, 2020
30 \\ 10 EASY Ways to Immediately Improve Your Nutrition & Lose Weight
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
10 EASY Ways to Immediately Improve Your Nutrition & Lose Weight. Are you struggling with nutrition? Do you feel like you're eating healthy and working out but not seeing the results you want? I've been there! Nutrition can seem so confusing, especially with all of the different "diets" you hear about on a daily basis, but it doesn't have to be. It really is quite simple when you break it down, and that's exactly what I'm going to do for you. From drinking more water, to paying attention to how food makes you feel, in this episode, I'm sharing 10 easy, simple ways that you can immediately improve your nutrition and finally start to see the results you want!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
29 \\ Getting Ready for Baby #2? 5 Tips to Help You Transition From 1 to 2 Kids
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Getting ready for Baby #2? Wondering if this transition from 1 to 2 kids is going to be as hard as the transition from having no kids to one baby? It's got to be easier right? In some respects yes, it's easier, but it's also harder in a whole new way! Starting with the differences between your first and second pregnancies, in this episode I'm sharing what the transition from 1 to 2 kids is really like and 5 ways to help that transition go as smoothly as possible for you.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Energize Your Life 2 Week Course Info
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
3 Ways to Greatly Increase the Amount of Energy in Your Life. Tired of always feeling tired? I see you struggling with feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and just completely and utterly fatigued and exhausted, and I’m telling you it does not have to be that way! My mission in life is to show you just how amazing you can truly feel and it starts with this! Our bodies are like power plants, we don't just have energy, we have to create energy, and in this episode we're diving into exactly what you can do to do that.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Energize Your Life 2 Week Course Info
EP 12 - The Magic of a Morning Routine & How to Create One
EP 14 - How to Become a Morning Person & Wake Up Earlier
EP 15 - Evening Routines to Bring You Peace & Prepare You For Tomorrow
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Sunday Jun 07, 2020
26 \\ Household Hacks to Help Your Busy Mom Life Run More Smoothly
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Feel like you constantly have laundry piling up, your house is never clean, you're always picking up after everyone, and you can never really get ahead momma? As a busy mom of babies and toddlers juggling so many different things, often household tasks can get pushed aside until they pile up and then overwhelm us and stress us out. You know, that feeling you have when you have six clean loads of laundry piled in your room that absolutely need to be folded and put away. Not fun! Over the years I've developed some household hacks & routines that help me to stay on top of things like this so that they rarely become overwhelming and my house feels relatively put together to me, which is the most important thing right? Get ready, because in this episode I'm sharing them with you, to help your busy mom life run a lot more smoothly!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Energize Your Life 2 Week Course Info
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast