Live in Alignment. Work Less. Earn More. You can have it all by creating true wealth in life and business when you align with your specific human design & personal definition of success. What is TRUE WEALTH though? Wealth is not just having money and success. It is so much more than that. Success without happiness & fulfillment is not success at all. If you are a high achieving career woman that is desperate for work-life balance because you are juggling a lot of other things like motherhood, marriage, home management, growing a business or brand, and while you have chased after accomplishments and achievements you may be feeling like, is this really it? How come on paper your life looks like the epitome of success but you feel like you’re not doing enough or you feel like you are drowning in the life you worked so hard for? Here on the Wealthy Woman podcast you are going to get new episodes that help you define and take action towards the life you desire, not just hitting the accomplishments but by feeling fulfilled. These episodes are going to challenge your autopilot ways of thinking and redefine how you measure success. You are going to learn how to work less, earn more, and manifest your dream life. To have true wealth we must have the kind of money & success we desire AND the beautiful life to go alongside it. Here you will learn about human design, manifestation, success habits, money mastery, abundance mindset, master your mindset, and create the wealth you desire. Lauren Francois is a thought leader on business growth and true wealth creation. She specializes in Human Design Coaching, 6 Figure Mindset, + Success Mentorships to women desiring to create massive success and impact in a way that feels aligned, without the hustle, overwhelm and burnout. She believes as driven women we can and are supposed to be able to have it all when we live aligned in who we are meant to be. While most people are striving for success thinking that when we hit a milestone we will have happiness Lauren knows (and teaches) how to hit your goals while enjoying the process of getting there by taking away the limits your mind has set on you so that you can rise into and become the wealthy woman that you have always wanted to be. Her human design coaching is unique and specific to each person, because we are all uniquely designed so our path to success should be too! Business Inquiries laurenffrancois@gmail.com Instagram lauren_francois

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
46 \\ Keeping Your Relationships Healthy With Kids
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Once you have a baby/kids, your relationships will change in some way! How do you keep all of your relationships (significant other, family, friends) healthy and thriving when you have less time than you've ever had? It takes work, but your most important relationships can get even better once you introduce children into the mix! Join me as I walk you through how you can make that a reality in your life!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Monday Aug 17, 2020
45 \\ Embracing the Uncertainty We're Living In
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Uncertainty can really stress people out, but what if we're looking at it all wrong? What if uncertainty isn't actually a bad thing? What if the uncertainty we're living through right now can actually lead to amazing things? It can, and in this episode I'm going to tell you why! By the end, my goal is that you approach uncertainty with a new perspective and mindset. One that will serve you in a significantly better way as you navigate uncertainty throughout your motherhood journey!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
44 \\ Am I Ready to Have Kids & Start a Family?
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Am I ready to have kids & start a family? Having kids and starting a family is such a life-changing decision and it's easy to wonder if there will be a moment in time when you just feel ready? Join me as I answer this question and the burning questions, how will I know I'm ready and can I ever actually be ready.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Monday Aug 10, 2020
43 \\ Your Cycle & Productivity - How to Accomplish MORE While Doing Less
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Get ready to have your mind BLOWN! Do you currently track your cycle and deeply understand it? Did you know that there are 4 phases in your cycle, each phase is associated with a different level of energy, and that your body is primed to be really good at certain things during each phase? In this episode, I break it all down for you and teach you how you can use your cycle to accomplish MORE by doing less!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
42 \\ Fail Your Way to Success?
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Is a fear of failing holding you back from taking the leap into something new? What if failing was actually the KEY to being successful and achieving your goals! So often we look at failure as the enemy! We fear it, but failure is not the enemy. It shouldn't be something that is feared. Join me, as I share why failing is 100% necessary for success, why it should be embraced and expected on every journey, and how to move through the fear of it. When you change your mindset around failure, everything shifts and the sky becomes the limit!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Monday Aug 03, 2020
41 \\ How I'm Decreasing Stress & Anxiety Around Current Events
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Feeling more stressed, anxious and overwhelmed than ever before right now? Me too! With everything currently happening in our world, it's so easy to fall into the trap of fear, worry and negativity, but you have to remember that you are in control. Tune in, as I share 8 things I've implemented in my life to decrease the stress & anxiety around the current events we're all dealing with.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
How to Brainwash 7 Billion People
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
40 \\ Where Are You Going? The Power of Vision & Goals + How to Create Yours
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Where are you going? What's the dream? So often as moms and really just busy women in life we get so caught up in doing all of the day to day things that we can sometimes forget what we’re really working towards! Like what’s the end goal, in life, in our careers, in parenting and how we raise our children? If you don’t know what you’re working towards, what the end goal is, how are you going to get to it? In this episode, I walk you through why having vision & goals for your life are so important and then take you through an exercise to help you get more specific on yours!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Monday Jul 20, 2020
39 \\ REAL TALK: You DON’T Have to Love the Phase You’re In
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
You DON'T have to love the phase you're in. Motherhood is hard, and thinking that we are supposed to love every phase of it undermines that and makes you feel like there's something wrong with you as a mom if you don't! There isn't! Tune in to hear why it's OK to NOT love the phase you're in, a couple of key phrases that I hope we all can all remove from our vocabulary as mom's, and the phases of motherhood that I haven't loved thus far. Maybe yours are the same as mine!
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
38 \\ MOM GUILT - Ready to Give It Up Once and for All?
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
MOM GUILT. Experiencing it? Of course you have, we ALL have! Ready to let it go? Mom guilt is mostly self imposed and has no place in your life. Motherhood is hard enough as it is already without us making it harder by making ourselves feel guilty! Tune in as we talk about where mom guilt comes from, a few common things that bring it on, and how you can LET IT GO.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Grace, Not Perfection by Emily Ley
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast

Monday Jul 13, 2020
37 \\ How to Create a Birth Plan SIMPLIFIED
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
What is a birth plan and how do I create one? When I first heard about birth plans, I was like, what do you mean a birth plan, my plan is to have a baby! Turns out there's a little bit more to a birth plan than that, but creating one doesn't have to be complicated, detailed, and overwhelming . It can be as simple or as complex as you'd like it to be. Hint, mine wasn't written down and only included a few of my desires for my labor & delivery. In this episode, I'm simplifying birth plans for you and touching on a few things to include that you may not have thought of initially.
XOXO, Lauren
Listen. Subscribe. Share.
Show Notes:
Come over and hang with me on Instagram:@lauren_francois
Today’s show is sponsored by my favorite product line and fitness/nutrition regimen! Taking care of YOU FIRST is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and energize your new motherhood journey. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential! When you feel your very best, that impacts every other area of your life, especially your mothering. Ready to make your fitness & nutrition a priority in your life with simple, easy to follow 30 minute at home workouts/programs (that’s right, you don’t even have to leave your house because we all know how tough that can be with babies), balanced nutrition programs (no diets here), and an online community of amazing women to hold you accountable? Pssst….it’s way cheaper than a gym membership & I’ve been helping women get results that last for the past 5.5 years with this method! Email me at laurenffrancois@gmail.com for details.
Wanna do a 1-on-1 coaching session with me? From 30 minute power calls to weekly and monthly packages ranging on topics from motherhood to self care/fitness/nutrition to helping you increase your productivity, set, map out, & accomplish goals, and create new habits to help you thrive and energize your journey, there’s an option for you! Click here & complete the form!
Become a Mom Hacks Podcast Insider & be the first to receive news on new episodes, products, and exciting announcements! https://tinyurl.com/themomhackspodcast